More than half of Australians think Elon Musk invented Bitcoin: Survey

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Over 40% of respondents were unaware that Bitcoin had a limited supply.
Australians’ knowledge of cryptocurrency could use some improvement, as more than half of them think that Elon Musk created Bitcoin (BTC), according to a new survey.Finder, Australia’s most visited comparison website, conducted a survey of 1,004 Australians to find out more about what they know about crypto, The Australian reports Wednesday.According to the survey results, 56% of Australians are not aware of mysterious Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, believing that Tesla CEO and SpaceX founder Musk is the founder of the world’s largest cryptocurrency. A significant number of respondents also did not know that the Bitcoin supply is limited to 21 million coins, with 44% of them thinking that Bitcoin has unlimited supply just like fiat money.The survey also found that many Australians are already in crypto or willing to get into the industry, with 2

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