More Russians are disclosing their cryptocurrency incomes: Report

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Consulting firms, such as PwC Russia, said that Russians have been increasingly reporting their income from cryptocurrency operations.
The number of cryptocurrency holding disclosures in Russia has been on the rise over the past several months, according to a new report.Russian news agency Izvestia reports Thursday that Russians have been increasingly disclosing their income from crypto trading for tax purposes. The report cites data from consulting and law firms such as KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, FTL Advisers, as well as Moscow-based public policy think tank the Center for Strategic Research.“We’ve observed that Russian residents have started voluntarily disclosing income from operations with digital assets, mainly with cryptocurrency, in tax declarations,” FTL Advisers’ partner Maria Kukla said. She noted that it’s still early to determine whether the tendency will become widespread. The currency tax reportin

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