Monero price rises 20% after Atomic Swap implementation

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The Monero Project introduced a new trustless way to exchange between Monero and Bitcoin last week.
Monero (XMR), the largest privacy-focused cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has posted a 20% price surge following the launch of the Atomic Swap implementation program last week.On Friday, the Monero Project officially announced a rollout of the Atomic Swap implementation developed by the cross-blockchain protocol COMIT, aiming to simplify trades between XMR and Bitcoin (BTC).Following the launch of Monero Atomic Swaps, XMR has seen a notable surge, with its price rising from around $265 on the launch day to an intraweek high of $331. At the time of writing, the privacy-centric cryptocurrency is trading at $318, down around 2.4% over the past 24 hours, according to crypto tracking website CoinGecko. Following a solid bullish trend on major crypto markets, XMR is up over 50% over the past 30 days.Source: CoinGeckoMonero

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