Monero, Kyber Network and Tornado Cash break out as traders pile into privacy protocols

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Bitcoin’s bullish surge and the urgent need for shielded crypto transactions appear to be benefitting XMR, TORN and KNC.
Stocks and cryptocurrencies saw a notable bounce on March 9 even though war, rising inflation and historically high oil prices have investors uncertain about the future.Bitcoin (BTC) price surged to $42,600 in the early trading hours and several altcoins followed suit with double-digit gains.Top 7 coins with the highest 24-hour price change. Source: Cointelegraph Markets ProData from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that the biggest gainers over the past 24-hours were Monero (XMR), Kyber Network (KNC) and Tornado Cash (TORN), with Zcash (ZEC) earning an honorable mention. MoneroMonero is one of the longest-running privacy-focused protocols in the cryptocurrency market and the project is popular among investors looking to make private, anonymous transactions.Data from Cointelegraph Markets

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