Miami real estate firm accepts crypto deposits for condos after conference

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Driven by momentum from the Miami Bitcoin event, luxury condo development E11EVEN Hotel and Residences has already secured its first crypto deposit.
Miami-based E11EVEN Hotel and Residences is claiming to be the first real estate company to allow deposits for property purchases in the form of cryptocurrency.Speaking to Fox Business, company and condominium project co-founder, Marc Roberts, stated the enthusiasm for crypto has been “really astounding”. Roberts noted that local interest in crypto assets had piqued amid the recent Bitcoin Miami conference — which took place earlier this month and drew crowds of approximately 50,000 according to its organizers.He noted there has been a “tremendous response” to E11EVEN’s announced support for crypto, adding it had already collected its first deposit in crypto before officially announcing it would accept digital assets.Roberts added that E11EVEN is now roughly one month

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