Mentorship, inclusivity and education will encourage more women to enter crypto

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Leading women in blockchain and crypto speak out on important issues on International Women’s Day.
To celebrate International Women’s Day this year, Cointelegraph hosted a roundtable with eight leading women in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector to discuss ways to bring more women into the fintech space. While many thoughts were shared, common themes focused on education, mentorship and inclusivity. Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr, Cointelegraph’s managing editor, kicked off the discussion by asking the panelists about ways to get more women involved with cryptocurrency trading and investing. Although new data from market research firm Cardify shows that more women are making cryptocurrencies a larger part of their portfolio, men are still the majority when it comes to crypto investments. Olivia Capozzalo, head of content at crypto exchange OKEx, confirmed this, stating that the male customer base continues to dominat

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