Making a crypto fortune is easy, but here are 5 rules to follow to keep it

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Investing in cryptocurrency doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if traders keep these five key rules in mind.
Investing in any financial asset can be a tricky exercise, but this is especially true for the fast-paced cryptocurrency market, which comes with its own unique set of pitfalls and challenges. A popular saying dictates that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill and become an expert. In cryptoland time, this is measured in market cycles, which subject each trader to a few trips on the roller coaster of volatility as a crash course on navigating the market. Here are five important lessons every trader should learn when it comes to investing in cryptocurrency bull markets.Rule #1: No one ever went broke taking profitsSince the early days of crypto, the community has been proud of its “hodl” nature, with the volatility in the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and other tokens haven shaken coins out of paper hands and

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