Long-term Bitcoin bulls hodl strong despite five-month price high

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Bitcoin wallets that haven’t seen outflows for more five months and are currently sitting on $754 billion worth of the asset.
On-chain analytics provider glassnode reports that long-term Bitcoin holders are refusing to sell despite the BTC markets rallying to a five-month price high.In its Oct. 11 “Week on Chain” report, Glassnode noted that “long-term holders” — BTC wallets that have not seen outflows for more than 155 days — are currently sitting on nearly 13.3 million BTC or 70% of Bitcoin’s supply. The report notes that long-term holders have increased their collective stash by more than 2.37 million BTC (roughly $134 billion at current prices) over the past seven months. With only 186,000 BTC being newly minted by miners during the same period, Glassnode concludes that long-term whales are accumulating 12.7 times more BTC than is created as new supply.Despite long-term holders refusing to sell, Glassnode

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