Kounotori Spreads its Wings and Joins the P2PB2B Exchange

[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer] KTO, also known as the stork coin continues its ascent up the cryptocharts, this time by securing a listing on upcoming crypto exchange P2PB2B.
“We’re excited to announce that this month we’ve secured a listing for Kounotori on the P2PB2B exchange. Obviously, the more accessible we can make KTO, the more value we can bring to our stork holders.” Gerion, Kounotori Project Leader.
A Legend in the Making
Kounotori, for those who haven’t heard, is an ERC-20 token named after the Oriental Stork. In Japanese culture, the stork is a symbol of good fortune. Legend has it Japanese fisherfolk would see these great birds dive into rivers only to emerge again moments later with their beaks full of treasure. The token itself was designed by its developers to be a secure fair investment. The team behind Kounotori pride themselves on being fully doxed and the token has a bunch of anti-manipulation measures baked in, including wallet and transaction

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