Kosovo To Ban Crypto Mining Amid Energy Crisis

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In a quick response to the ongoing energy crisis in the region, the Republic of Kosovo has reportedly banned cryptocurrency mining, at least for now.
Kosovo Bans Crypto Mining To Save Energy Situation
According to a report by local media Gazeta Express, Kosovo’s Economy Minister, Artane Rizvanolli has decided to act on the recommendation of the Technical Committee for Emergency Measures in Energy Supply, in what is expected to be part of several relief measures.
The measures as suggested by last week’s recommendation include the:
“prohibition of the production of cryptocurrencies throughout the territory.”
Recall that the government had declared a state of emergency in December, and that, is expected to last for 2 months. According to Gazeta Express, this would allow the nation to properly allocate enough energy from its energy imports and also introduce power cuts.
However, Kosovo is not the first nation to experience such a crisis in its energy sector. In a similar move as th

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