Komodo (KMD) rallies 54% after major push to expand interoperability with AtomicDEX

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KMD’s price surged after the project added support for 13 blockchain networks and announced plans to launch an NFT collection.
Interoperability between separate blockchain networks has become a major theme in the cryptocurrency market over the past year, but several major exploits — such as the $321 million Wormhole exploit — have highlighted the difficulties in achieving cross-chain transfers in a secure manner.One protocol that has been gaining traction in February thanks to its alternative approach to achieving cross-chain interoperability is Komodo, an open, composable multichain platform that is home to the AtomicDEX wallet and non-custodial decentralized exchange. Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that after hitting a low of $0.446 on Feb. 20, the price of the platform’s KMD token surged 54% to a daily high of $0.687 on Feb. 22. KMD/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingViewThree reasons fo

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