Kenyan Fintech Startup to Use Stablecoins to Transfer Universal Basic Income Payments to African Refugees

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Kotani Pay, a Kenya based digital currency on and off-ramp service provider, has entered into an agreement wherein it will enable the transfer of universal basic income (UBI) payments to African refugees. Working in conjunction with the Refugee Integration Organisation (RIO) and Impact Market, the fintech start-up, which uses the Celo blockchain, will use its platform to ensure payments reach the intended beneficiaries.
Using the Blockchain Without the Internet
According to Kotani Pay’s recent post on Medium, the start-up’s partnership with RIO and Impact Market will also see non-smartphone holders benefitting. Commenting on this unique feature, Kotani Pay said:
(The partnership) is achieving a never-before-done implementation of UBI through a stablecoin that is available to non-smartphone users. This is a pioneering achievement in the world of UBI, digital currencies, and the inclusivity of refugees.
The fintech start-up adds it is providing a familiar interface that works on fea

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