Journalist alleges Mimo Capital co-founder was behind 2016 exploit of The DAO: Report

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“This is yet another example of evidence preserved on the blockchain forever,” said Chainalysis.
Laura Shin, a cryptocurrency journalist and host of the Unchained Podcast, claimed to have discovered the identity of the individual behind an exploit which drained more than 3.6 million Ether from Germany-based startup’s The DAO in 2016.According to a Tuesday Bloomberg report, Shin claimed that she had “extremely strong evidence” that Mimo Capital co-founder Toby Hoenisch was responsible for removing more than 3.6 million Ether (ETH) from The DAO in June 2016 — roughly $50 million at the time. An unknown hacker used an exploit to drain roughly a third of The DAO’s ETH supply, forcing developers to hard fork the network and leaving the illicit funds in what became the Ethereum Classic (ETC) blockchain.EXCLUSIVE: With the publication of my book today, I can finally announce: in the course of writing my book, m

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