It’s time for the philanthropic sector to embrace digital currencies

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Such principles as decentralization and tokenization will enrich the nonprofit and charitable sectors via accepting donations in crypto.
The amount of cryptocurrencies on the market has skyrocketed from 500 in 2014 to nearly 7,000 only seven years later in October 2021. A reported 14% of people in the United States — which roughly equals 21.2 million people — have purchased some form of cryptocurrency, with more than 300 million crypto owners estimated worldwide. It’s clear: Cryptocurrency is here to stay, and its path to global recognition and success has only just begun. I have shared before how and why innovative sectors of longevity and biotech should cooperate with digital currency visionaries to future-proof their work. Crypto founders, CEOs and purchasers are already breaking down barriers and contributing to a more decentralized future in their everyday lives. By empowering individuals with access to diverse a

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