Indian TikTok challenger raises $19M to launch social token on Solana

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“What Axie Infinity did for gaming, we want to do for social media,” Chingari co-founder and CEO Sumit Ghosh says.
Indian short-video sharing platform Chingari is preparing to launch its own blockchain network and social token.Chingari has completed a $19-million funding round to launch its mainnet and conduct a token sale for its Solana-based GARI token in November, the firm announced on Friday.Chingari co-founder and CEO Sumit Ghosh said that the token sale is scheduled for Nov. 2, while the mainnet launch and application integration are expected to have gone live by the end of that month.Co-led by major blockchain investors such as Republic Crypto and Mike Novogratz’s investment firm, Galaxy Digital, the new raise included over 30 venture funds and individual investors, including Sam Bankman-Fried’s Alameda Research, Solana Capital and Kraken crypto exchange.Ghosh stated that the $19-million funding was completed

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