Here’s how traders capitalize on crypto market crashes and liquidations

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Everyone’s a genius trader during bull markets, but there are also ways to generate profits during bear trends. Here’s how to capitalize on liquidations.
The first week of the new year saw a vicious pullback across all cryptocurrencies in the market. Ether (ETH) price dropped from its November peak at $4,800 peak to under $3,000 on Jan. 8 and Terra’s LUNA governance token also dropped from $85 on Dec. 31 to $67 on Jan. 8, 2022. These unexpected dramatic moves often cause liquidation cascades in the lending market, but they also create unique buying opportunities in the collateral liquidation markets.Kujira’s Orca protocol is a platform built on the Terra network and it allows investors to bid on bETH (bonded asset of Ether) and bLUNA (bonded asset of LUNA) at a discounted price when the at-risk collateral is liquidated. As a pseudonymous analyst at Kujira pointed out,“Liquidation has for so long been the ‘shady

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