Group of Salvadorans Take to the Streets to Protest El Salvador’s New Bitcoin Law

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While some Salvadorans situated near Playa El Zonte beach like the new bitcoin tender law implemented by Nayib Bukele’s regime, a number of other citizens dislike the law. This week, regional reports show citizens from El Salvador have taken to the streets to protest the bitcoin tender law.
Salvadoran Protestors Say Bitcoin Is ‘Too Volatile’ and Like ‘Playing the Lottery’
One might think from some of the fluffy reports stemming from a number of cryptocurrency magazines that all is swell in El Salvador in regard to the new bitcoin law. However, during the first week of July, a survey conducted by Disruptiva polled 1,233 people residing in El Salvador and a majority of Salvadorans said they were skeptical of bitcoin as a currency. Following the implementation of the new bitcoin tender law, leaked reports claimed Nayib Bukele’s government cohorts were planning to launch a stablecoin.

Now a regional report from the news outlet El Mundo shows a number of Salvadorans have taken

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