Google, the most popular Bitcoin trend indicator, turns 23

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Since the introduction of Bitcoin, Google has become an excellent popularity indicator for cryptocurrencies.
Google, the leading indicator used to track the popularity of Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies, celebrated its 23rd anniversary on Sept. 27, 2021.Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when both were students at Stanford University, the search engine has spent the majority of its 23 years of existence being one of the primary entry points to the internet. Following the inception of cryptocurrencies, Google has been widely used as the primary method to search for new coins, track market trends, and learn how to buy crypto. Since internet search statistics are an excellent way track user behavior, Google Trends has became a reliable source for understanding user interest in a near real-time fashion. Traders use the tool, which analyzes the popularity of search queries in a specific period, to identify emerging pa

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