FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried: Institutions are ‘desperate’ for crypto

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Is SBF going to lobby the government on behalf of crypto? How badly do institutions want in on the blockchain game? When’s a moat an impediment to growth, and not a protective shield?
As FTX and Alameda Research increasingly enter the public eye, one side effect is that the decabillionaire is himself a growing public figure. Especially after a significant donation to Joe Biden’s campaign for the US presidency, some observers hoped that SBF would come to serve as a kind of professional lobbyist on behalf of the crypto ecosystem. While he says he’s open to discussing his views, he’s not trying to work the edges or sell anyone a used car:So I’m super happy to serve as a resource for anyone in government or else who wants and I think happy talk about what the industry is like […] look, they have so many people who come to them with agendas right here. You know, to the extent I have an agenda, I just want it to flow fro

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ftx-s-sam-bankman-fried-institutions-are-desperate-for-crypto

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