Former CFTC chair explains why regulators should approve a Bitcoin ETF

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“A Bitcoin ETF would be a way for retail investors to invest in cryptocurrency without having to actually purchase it and deal with the complexities of custody,” said Timothy Massad.
Timothy Massad, who served as Chair of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission between 2014 and 2017, has laid out the reasons why he thinks regulators should approve a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund. In an opinion piece published on Bloomberg Wednesday, Massad said the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, should approve a Bitcoin ETF in a manner that would enhance the transparency and integrity of the nascent cryptocurrency industry. This way, investors can access the digital asset without having to buy it off exchanges or worry about self-custody. Massad said the ideal path for approving a Bitcoin ETF would begin with a stronger regulatory framework for cryptocurrency. However, he acknowledged the “likelihood of tha

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