Fear not, investor: Finding stability amid crypto market volatility

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Volatility in the crypto markets is here to stay. Thus, understanding the utility, necessity and long-term viability of projects is crucial.
In a calendar year, the total crypto market capitalization more than quadrupled from $361 billion to more than $1 trillion in January — reaching an all-time high of around $2.6 trillion in May. Just weeks later, more than $800 million was wiped off of the total crypto market cap, representing a decrease of over 33%.Volatility of this magnitude in the crypto markets is nothing new, especially for those battle-tested by market cycles of years past. However, research indicates that the global number of blockchain wallet users increased by more than 25 million since March 2020, meaning this is just the first roller coaster ride for 25 million new entrants.For newcomers, volatility can be downright terrifying — but it doesn’t have to be. With well-researched positions and a long-term o

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