Euro investment bank predicts shortfall in blockchain and tech investment

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The EU is billions of dollars behind China and the U.S. when it comes to investment in blockchain and artificial intelligence, said the EIB.
The European Union is falling behind China and the United States when it comes to blockchain and artificial intelligence investments, according to the European Investment Bank. The EIB said on Tuesday that it anticipates an ongoing investment shortfall of around 10 billion euros ($12 billion) across both technologies. China and the U.S. currently account for 80% of the global $25 billion invested in blockchain and AI, with the EU making up just 7% of that figure, reported Reuters.The bank said the underinvestment in both sectors compared to other regions was a sign that the EU has failed to translate scientific knowledge into applicable business models.“Companies and governments in Europe are substantially underinvesting in AI and blockchain compared to other leading regions and it h

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