Ethereum devs tip The Merge will occur in August ‘if everything goes to plan’

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Core Ethereum developer Preston Van Loon says that the network’s long-awaited transition to proof-of-stake will most likely happen this August.
Ethereum’s long-awaited migration to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which has been pushed back time and time again, looks set to occur sometime in August. Hopefully. Preston Van Loon, a core developer of the Ethereum (ETH) network, told attendees at the Permissionless conference that the transition, known as the Merge, would occur sometime in August if everything plays out according to plan.Ethereum core Dev @preston_vanloon just said the eth merge is ready,they are now only testing, and expects the merge to happen in August. Packed room @Permissionless are excited about it. Great question @TrustlessState. Also on panel @drakefjustin— Benjamin Cohen (benjicohen.eth) (@benjicohen421) May 19, 2022

Van Loon told the 5000 attendees that the

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