Engineer hacks Trezor wallet, recovers $2M in ‘lost’ crypto

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Hacker helps Trezor One owner who forgot his wallet passcode and seed phrase to recover cryptocurrency funds valued over $2 million.
A computer engineer and hardware hacker has revealed how he managed to crack a Trezor One hardware wallet containing more than $2 million in funds.Joe Grand — who is based in Portland also known by his hacker alias “Kingpin” — uploaded a Youtube video explaining how he pulled off the ingenious hack.After deciding to cash out an original investment of roughly $50,000 in Theta in 2018, Dan Reich, a NYC based entrepreneur, and his friend, realized that they had lost the security PIN to the Trezor One the tokens were stored on. After unsuccessfully trying to guess the security PIN 12 times, they decided to quit before the wallet automatically wiped itself after 16 incorrect guesses.But with their investment growing to $2 million this year, they redoubled their efforts to access the funds. Wit

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