Elon Musk’s Broken Heart Tweet Sends Bitcoin Price Spiraling

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Elon Musk’s weathering love affair with Bitcoin could be finally heading to its logical end after the Tesla CEO—again—took to Twitter to leave a brief message featuring the BTC hashtag paired with a broken heart emoji. 
According to Emojipedia, a reference site for emojis, the broken heart emoji “represents the aching one feels when they are missing the person they love.” 
However, the accompanying picture in Musk’s tweet, which includes reference to Linkin Park’s song “In The End,” hints at him possibly breaking up with Bitcoin for good. 

#Bitcoin pic.twitter.com/lNnEfMdtJf
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 4, 2021

The price of the largest cryptocurrency reacted immediately. 
After flirting with $40,000 levels on Thursday, Bitcoin plummeted to the lows of $36,317 early on Friday morning. According to data from CoinGecko, over the past 24 hours, the benchmark cryptocurrency shed 7% in value.

Bitcoin last traded above $40,000 on May 27, before falling below $34,0

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Źródło: https://decrypt.co/72720/elon-musks-broken-heart-tweet-sends-bitcoin-price-spiraling

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