Elizabeth Warren: Crypto Industry Needs ‘Rules of the Road’

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U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has taken aim at crypto once again, claiming that the industry needs “rules of the road.” 
“I don’t want to wait until a whole lot of people, a whole lot of small investors, a whole lot of small traders have been completely wiped out,” Warren said on CNBC today, adding that “rules of the road” give people confidence. 

Concerns over smaller investors comes as little surprise, judging by her previous efforts against the big banks. 
“Who takes advantage of there being no rules? It’s the big guys. Who wins when there’s no cop on the beat? It’s the big guys,” Warren added.
Warren’s crypto woes
Warren’s concern is well founded, given the sheer frequency with which many in crypto have fallen victim to massive losses, due to ransomware, theft, fraud, or even pure accident.
But to be clear, Warren’s concerns are not specific to a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin itself, but to those seeking to profit off of cryptocurrencies in shady way

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Źródło: https://decrypt.co/77063/elizabeth-warren-crypto-industry-needs-rules-of-the-road

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