DOGE vs BTC: Elon Musk declares crypto ‘space race’ with BitMEX has begun

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Can BitMEX and Bitcoin beat Elon Musk and Dogecoin to launch the first crypto asset into lunar orbit?
A 21st-century space race appears to be brewing between Elon Musk and BitMEX, with both parties pledging to launch their respective crypto of choice to the literal moon first.On June 4, the popular crypto derivatives exchange BitMEX announced it would be supporting space robotics firm, Astrobotic Technology, in the company’s mission to send its first commercial lander to the moon during Q4 2020.Noting that the mission aims to be the first instance in which “a private company leading a coalition of government, academia, industry, and international partners reaches the lunar surface,” BitMEX plans to make the occasion by delivering a one-of-a-kind physical Bitcoin to the moon’s surface. Referring to Musk as a “Dogecoin protagonist,” BitMEX added: “We’ve nothing against Dog Money, we felt it was only right to he

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