Do 46 million Americans really own crypto?

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Newsweek published an article claiming 46 million Americans own Bitcoin, but where did the figures come from?
Crypto social media was abuzz after Newsweek published the article headlined “46 Million Americans Now Own Bitcoin, As Crypto Goes Mainstream” on May 11. The impressive figure was re-posted by notable Bitcoiners including MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor who tweeted: “The finance industry is taking crypto mainstream by building Bitcoin into their insurance, banking, & investment products. Newsweek says 46 million Americans now own Bitcoin.”The finance industry is taking crypto mainstream by building #Bitcoin into their insurance, banking, & investment products. @Newsweek says 46 million Americans now own Bitcoin.— Michael Saylor (@michael_saylor) May 12, 2021

Coin Metrics co-founder Nic Carter said that sheer number of Bitcoiners represents “a powerful constituency that

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