Digital euro could drain 8% of bank deposits, Morgan Stanley says

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Banks in smaller countries like Latvia, Estonia and Greece could be impacted harder by the digital euro, analysts said.
Analysts at the American multinational investment bank Morgan Stanley have estimated the likely changes in eurozone banks’ deposits should a digital euro be widely adopted.According to the analysts, a European Union central bank digital currency (CBDC) could suck away 8% of customer deposits from eurozone banks, Reuters reports Wednesday. This share may be far higher in smaller countries like Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Greece, they said.The analysts’ estimates were based on a “bear case” scenario where all euro area citizens above the age of 15 sent 3,000 euros ($3,637) into a digital euro wallet controlled by the European Central Bank. As previously reported, this amount could be a theoretical limit of total CBDC holdings by residents, according to ECB executive board member

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