Digital currencies won’t impact US sanctions, Treasury exec says

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Russia’s digital ruble won’t help the country avoid U.S. sanctions because the global economy is “interconnected,” an official said.
Central bank digital currencies (CBDC) like Russia’s digital ruble do not pose any threat to United States sanctions, according to U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo.In a CNBC interview on Wednesday, Adeyemo argued that the U.S. dollar “will remain the dominant currency in the world” despite the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies.Adeyemo pointed out that digital assets provide an “opportunity in lots of ways” for the U.S. economy, but it’s also associated with many challenges like money laundering. However, there are ways to combat this in order to benefit from the growing industry, the official said:“We do think that ultimately working together with countries around the world, we can address this risk by calling on the creators of digital assets to follow

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