DeFi privacy project Panther raises $22M in 1.5-hour public sale

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Panther’s public sale involved 5% of the total ZKP supply, with 15% being sold via seed, pre-seed and private funding.
Panther Protocol, a privacy-enhancing technology provider for the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry, has completed its public sale to continue building privacy solutions for DeFi and Web3.Panter announced to Cointelegraph on Nov. 25 that it raised $22 million in its recent public sale of ZKP tokens, bringing the total amount raised to $32 million.Starting on Nov. 23, the Panther Protocol public sale successfully closed in just under 90 minutes, the Panther project previously announced.Launched in Q3 2020, the Panther Protocol is built using zk-SNARKs, a new form of zero-knowledge cryptography implemented for popular privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Zcash (ZEC). The acronym “zk-SNARK” stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge,” referring to a situation where on

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