DeFi hub Karura emerges as first Kusama parachain slot auction winner

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Polkadot’s canary network, Kusama, is set to see decentralized finance hub Karura become the first parachain.
Karura network has emerged as the winner of the maiden Kusama parachain slot auction.According to an announcement issued on Tuesday, Karura pulled support from over 15,000 entities who staked Kusama (KSM) tokens in favor of adding the decentralized finance hub as the first Kusama parachain.In total, Karura locked up over 5,000 KSM currently valued at $90 million based on the Kusama market price as of the time of writing. Earlier in June, United States crypto trading platform Kraken launched a parachain auction platform for users to support bids for Karura.The first-ever @kusamanetwork parachain slot auction has been won by @KaruraNetwork with 501,137.6619 $KSM #ExpectedKarura— Dan Reecer ️⚪️ (@danreecer_) June 22, 2021

As previously reported by Cointelegraph, the Kusama council a

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