Data suggests Uniswap is 36% overvalued and SushiSwap trades at a discount

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An exchange token valuation methodology suggests that SUSHI trades at a 33% discount and that UNI price is 36% overvalued.
Just looking at Binance Coin’s (BNB) reported market capitalization, one might conclude that the token is the dominant asset when compared to other exchange tokens.Although there is no direct relationship between Binance’s exchange volume (or revenue) and token economics, traders seem to use it as a proxy. The controversial burn mechanism has been losing impact since April 2019, when the exchange changed the BNB whitepaper. Initially, the whitepaper proposed a plan where BNB tokens equivalent to 20% of the exchange’s profit would be bought under a “repurchasing plan”, but the new version scrapped that plan.Exchange tokens market cap and volume. Source: Messari Screener and CoinGeckoHowever, excluding the 60 million BNB that have never been in circulation drastically changes the outcome because these ex

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