Crypto media runs with the bulls as new entrants compete against established brands

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How has the Bitcoin bull run changed crypto media?
New opportunities arise during each Bitcoin bull run. The current ebullience has been driven by an influx of institutional investors, along with major payment providers like PayPal and Mastercard. But why are they here to begin with? Much of the recent enthusiasm can be attributed to the vast and vociferous audience that’s been developed by a few organizations on the front-line: The crypto media companies that have spent the last few years educating millions of early adopters on the trillion-dollar crypto market as a whole. Joon Ian Wong, co-president of The Association of Cryptocurrency Journalists and Researchers — a non-profit organization that advocates for quality journalism and research on cryptocurrencies and blockchains — told Cointelegraph that bull runs build new audiences:“CoinDesk was started during the 2013 bull run, when Bitcoin went up from $10 to $100

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