Crypto Biz: The real reason crypto hodlers should care about the Federal Reserve, April 28–May 4, 2022

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On May 4, the FOMC voted to raise interest rates by 50 basis points. Here’s why Bitcoin investors need to care about central bank’s policy.
Wall Street’s slow embrace of crypto means we all have to start watching the Federal Reserve again. Cointelegraph parsed through the latest Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) policy statement on Wednesday to try and uncover some nuggets of useful information. You can think of it as an exercise in financial esoterics to uncover the hidden meaning behind the Fed’s decision-making. As it turns out, the decision to raise interest rates by 50 basis points was already expected, so the actual FOMC document provided very little new information. But, Fed Chair Jerome Powell sparked a late rally in crypto and stocks on Wednesday when he said 75 basis-point increases aren’t on the table.You wanted the institutions to adopt crypto, didn’t you? Now, the asset class is trading almost in loc

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