Copernic Space and Lunar Outpost target space commercialization via NFTs

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Both companies are offering companies and individuals the chance to buy space on a lunar lander in the form of nonfungible tokens.
Copernic Space and Lunar Outpost are set to launch a public sale for tokenized payload space in a lunar lander headed for the moon in Q4 2022.According to an announcement issued on Wednesday, the blockchain space outfit Copernic Space and space robotics company Lunar Outpost will sell the payload space aboard the craft in the form of NFTs.Corporate and retail buyers will be able to buy, fractionalize and resell payload space NFTs on Lunar Outpost’s M1 MAPP rover.Ownership of the NFT will reportedly confer ownership of the payload space within the lander denominated in kilograms (kg). Speaking to Cointelegraph, Copernic Space co-founder and CEO Grant Blaisdell said that the sale will cover 3.5kg of available payload space with an initial sale price of $4.25 million per kg.According to Blaisdell,

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