Communist Party of Cuba Suggests Including Cryptocurrencies as an Alternative to Deal With Economic Crisis

communist party of cuba suggests to include cryptocurrencies as an alternative to deal with economic crisis 768x432 R54otg

When a country faces a severe economic crisis or living in a long-lasting political turmoil, cryptocurrencies are often discussed as an alternative to deal with the tough times. Although cryptos are not an unfamiliar issue in Cuba, the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) has been recently showing interest in digital assets to face the economic crisis.
Party Delegates Want to Assess Feasibility of Cryptos in the ‘Current Economic Conditions’
According to Directorio Cubano, some members of the PCC suggested that the country should make its inception into the crypto sphere as “an alternative to face the current economic crisis” that the island is living.
Cuba is facing an economic crisis due to international sanctions imposed several years ago, and the pandemic has hit the country on many fronts, specifically the tourism industry.
During the 8th congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, the delegates asked to include cryptocurrencies as part of the update of their “guidelines of the ec

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