Comedian Bill Maher excoriates environmental impact of crypto

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The mention of Dogecoin still got a few cheers from the socially distanced audience.
Bill Maher did not hold back criticizing cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin to Dogecoin, implying the whole space was fake and yet still required an incredible amount of real energy.Speaking in the New Rules segment on his show Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, the comedian said the goal of mining crypto was to “make something that is purposefully arbitrary.” Comparing the crypto space to a virtual game and speaking about mining in a seemingly derisive tone, Maher implied investing in tokens was a childish endeavor which some prominent financial figures like Warren Buffett were avoiding. “There is something inherently not credible about creating hundreds of billions in virtual wealth with nothing ever actually being accomplished and no actual product made or service rendered,” said Maher. “Unfortunately what is real is the unfathomab

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