Cointelegraph launches celebrity NFT charity campaign with Binance

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Cointelegraph artists will create digital portraits of celebrities for a Rotary Foundation charity auction hosted on Binance’s newly launched NFT platform.
Cointelegraph is delighted to announce a nonfungible token charity auction in partnership with the Rotary Foundation and the Binance cryptocurrency exchange.Binance will feature the celebrity-themed charity campaign on its newly launched NFT marketplace, aiming to generate donations supporting financial education for children and training for physicians coping with COVID-19 emergencies.The charity auction will include an NFT series curated and designed by Cointelegraph and its outstanding art team, with the participation of global athletes, musicians, entrepreneurs and bloggers. As part of the campaign, Cointelegraph’s team of artists will create digital portraits of celebrities willing to support Rotary’s charity efforts through the NFT industry.Rotary Club Kyiv wi

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