Cointelegraph Consulting: Measuring the effects of the London hard fork

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The London hard fork comes with five EIPs. Most importantly, EIP-1559 impacts transaction fees and miner revenue, but how significant is it?
The much-talked-about Ethereum hard fork finally went live on Aug. 5 after block 12,965,000 was mined. Dubbed “London,” the software upgrade will bring together significant alterations in Ethereum’s code. Overall, the code changes target improvements to the network’s transaction fee market, user experience and much more.London comes with five Ethereum Improvement Protocols (EIP), with EIP-1559 garnering the most attention due to the impact on transaction fees and miner revenue, which initially caused miners to push back, raising concerns over the protocol consensus and a potential chain split. EIP-1559 was originally proposed in April 2019 and underwent testing back in June prior to the launch. What’s most pressing about EIP-1559 is that it’s primarily geared toward improvin

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