Coinbase warns infrastructure bill’s crypto provisions could impact 20% of US population

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Coinbase’s global tax VP has slammed Congress for the controversial crypto tax provisions rushed into the infrastructure deal, warning the bill could impact 60 million Americans.
Coinbase’s Global VP of tax, Lawrence Zlatkin, has taken aim at the rushed cryptocurrency provisions added to Congress’ bipartisan infrastructure bill “at the last minute,” slamming lawmakers for hastily inserting amendments that could impact “60 million Americans.”In an Aug. 21 blog post taking aim at an Aug. 19 editorial article from Bloomberg that praised the infrastructure bill’s crypto provisions, Zlatkin criticized the lack of opportunity for public discourse regarding the legislation, estimating that 20% of the U.S. population are invested in digital assets:“Today, around 60 million Americans own crypto — roughly one-fifth of the entire U.S. population. Those Americans, and the entire crypto ecosystem, deserve more dialog

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