Coinbase unveils ‘Solidify’ tool to auto-audit smart contracts and DeFi clones

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Coinbase has unveiled a new smart contract analyzing tool dubbed “Solidify” to audit Ethereum smart contracts and DeFi clones.
Coinbase has unveiled a new tool that can automatically audit smart contracts built on Ethereum that use the Solidity programming language. Designed to be used by smart contract auditors, asset issuers, and other exchanges, the firm has plans to make the tool open source later this year In a June 23 post, Coinbase’s principal blockchain security engineer Peter Kacherginsky announced the firm’s new security analysis tool dubbed “Solidify”, which was created to improve on the “time-intensive and error-prone” process of manual smart contract analysis. The engineer noted that the exchange’s token listing process requires extensive security reviews and “risk mitigation recommendations” for every smart contract to keep consumers safe. The firm required an analyzer that can work quickly

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