Coinbase sued over Dogecoin Sweepstake ad Campaign

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Plaintiff alleges “deceptive ad campaign” cost Coinbase users millions of dollars.
A Coinbase user has filed a class action lawsuit seeking $5 million in damages because of an allegedly misleading Dogecoin campaign.In the legal document, David Suski, the plaintiff, said he was deceived into trading $100 of Dogecoin (DOGE) for an entry into a $1.2 million sweepstakes offer on Coinbase. The document claims that Coinbase failed to communicate that a person could enter the sweepstakes without purchasing $100 of Dogecoin.The first day Dogecoin was available for trade on Coinbase, June 3, 2021, the company sent out an email to users about the sweepstakes stating “Trade Doge, Win Doge.” The email had details on how to enter through trading or if a person was to go to a separate “rules and details” page they would find you could also enter by sending Coinbase a 3×5-inch index card. The index card needed to have the custo

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