Circle selects BNY Mellon as custodian for USDC reserves

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The firm previously said its reserves would be in cash and treasuries.
On Thursday, USD Coin (USDC) operator Circle announced that it had selected financial institution BNY Mellon as the custodian of its USDC reserves. Founded in 1784, BNY Mellon is one of the oldest banks in America and possesses over $46.7 trillion in assets under custody or administration worldwide. It serves as a single point of contact for clients looking to manage their investments. With the new partnership, BNY Mellon said it will also explore the possibility of using digital cash for settlement purposes. Roman Regelman, CEO of asset servicing and head of digital at BNY Mellon, gave the following remarks: “We are at a point in the evolution of our industry where the digitization of assets presents new and exciting opportunities to a broad range of market participants. As a custodian for USDC reserves, our role supports the broader marketplace and br

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