Cardano ERC-20 converter nears testnet phase

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Cardano’s ERC-20 converter tool with built-in two-way convertibility will soon be open for beta testing.
Decentralized finance on the Cardano blockchain is drawing closer to becoming a reality, with a token migration bridge soon to enter the testing phase.According to Francisco Landino, project manager at Input Output Hong Kong, or IOHK — the research and development arm responsible for Cardano — the platform’s ERC-20 migration tool is nearing testnet deployment.In a blog post published on Monday, Landino said that the ERC-20 converter tool will allow the migration of Ethereum-based tokens to the Cardano chain.The planned ERC-20 converter bridge will follow Cardano’s highly anticipated Alonzo hard fork, which is touted to bring smart contract functionality to the network.Arguing for the necessity of the ERC-20 conversion tool, Landino wrote:“Once deployed, users of supported Ethereum tokens will be able to bring

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