Canadian politician says he supports Bitcoin as federal election looms

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The former cabinet minister, known by some as Mad Max, has been outspoken in his criticism of vaccine mandates, mask mandates and lockdowns in Canada during the pandemic.
Maxime Bernier, founder and leader of the People’s Party of Canada, has said he supports the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the country.In a Tuesday tweet, Bernier said cryptocurrencies are “another new and innovative way” to counter the actions by central banks, which he claimed are “destroying our money and economy.” The Canadian politician has criticized the Bank of Canada for “printing money” and called out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his economic policies.Bernier, a former cabinet minister known by some as Mad Max, has been outspoken in his criticism of vaccine mandates in Canada at a time when the number of COVID-19 cases in the country continues to rise. He has also advocated for ending lockdowns and mask mandates and against the r

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