Bridging the Bitcoin gender gap: Crypto lets everyone access wealth

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Bitcoin allows minorities to circumvent institutional banking processes that have long carried out discriminatory practices.
There’s a rumbling in the crypto world. Long perceived — not unjustly — as a boys’ club, 2020 has seen more women entering Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies than ever before. If the trend continues, we’ll see a welcome influx of women in the space.A recent survey by Gemini reports that women’s investment in cryptocurrency has surged 20% over the past year among a nationally representative sampling of United Kingdom investors. Among those planning to invest in crypto, 40% are women. Crypto trading platform eToro also reported a sharp rise in the rate at which women signed up to the site during 2020, with women’s sign-ups rising by 366% compared with a 248% rise for men.Related: The number of women in crypto and blockchain is skyrocketing in 2020While the figures suggest a heartening

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