Bitcoin surge could be driving digital yuan interest, says People’s Bank of China

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The central bank says strong interest in its CBDC project is partly being driven by Bitcoin’s recent surge, despite cryptocurrency still being banned in China.
The cryptocurrency space may be helping to spawn its own competitors after a representative of the People’s Bank of China said Bitcoin’s (BTC) recent surge had caused renewed interest in the nation’s digital yuan project.The digital yuan is China’s central bank digital currency, and like all CBDCs its foundational principles are completely antithetical to those of the cryptocurrency space. Core crypto concepts of decentralization and autonomy are dispensed with in favor of centralization and oversight, in an effort by government authorities to more easily control the flow of money. The digital yuan is also expected to be central to China’s smart city ambitions, which would see entire cities made cashless in the coming years.But the PBoC believes the “very

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