Bitcoin price stalls in April, but $4.2B options expiry may revive run

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As over $4 billion in BTC options contracts stand to expire, most options traders will feel “max pain,” while options writers could gain.
What’s interesting about this particular options expiry is that the current max pain price for the expiry is $54,000, which is very close to the current trading price. The max pain price is the price at which most options are rendered worthless, thus leading to the loss of the option premium for the options holders. Although, in this situation, options writers stand to gain.On April 29, over $4.2 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC) options contracts will expire. This expiry comes after Bitcoin has seen a recovery from $48,000 to currently trade in the $54,000 range. The total open interest of Bitcoin options currently stands at $13.54 billion, with over 88% being on Deribit, the largest crypto derivatives exchange by both volume and market capitalization.Cointelegraph discussed this with

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