Bitcoin on ‘inevitable path’ to reach gold’s market cap – Mike Novogratz

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Galaxy Digital’s billionaire CEO told CNBC he’s shocked at the speed of cryptocurrency adoption.
Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz believes Bitcoin (BTC) is on track to meet or exceed gold’s market capitalization amid a rapid wave of retail and institutional adoption of the digital asset. In an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box, Novogratz said cryptocurrency “adoption’s happening much faster than I predicted,” adding that “it’s shocking to me how fast people are moving into the system.”Novogratz, who has been involved in Bitcoin since 2013 when the digital currency was valued at around $100, explained that his previous BTC price target of $60,000 was too conservative. The initial target was based on Bitcoin achieving roughly 10% of gold’s market capitalization. “At the beginning of the year, I thought $60,000 was my target because that would have been 10% of gold,” he said. “But I told myself an

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